Finding Elizabeth by Chris Mor (Trail Magic #3)


Finding Elizabeth
by Chris Mor

Romance/Why Choose

Book 3 of Trail Magic

Published 21st September 2023

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My rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

I received a complimentary copy and am leaving this review voluntarily.

Book three of Trail Magic sees the guys waking up and Belle is nowhere to be found. Grinder made a serious mistake. He was meant to talk to her before anything else, but when Belle opened her door with nothing but a towel to cover her, his mind ceased to function. Now she’s taken off, thinking that she’s cheated on Nova and has become the very thing she despises. The guys came to a decision, but she didn’t know about it, and now she’s gone. They’ll do everything in their power to find her before they lose her forever. With the hopes that she’s still on the trail, they power forward, asking anyone and everyone whether they’ve seen her. Can they find her before she leaves the trail and they lose her forever?

I was stoked to receive book 3 in this series, book 2 left us on a cliffy and I needed to see how things were going to pan out for Belle, Bats, Grinder and Nova. And I was NOT disappointed. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for, for them to come together (no pun intended, *ahem*) and realise that they each have something that the other’s need. They each have a stake in Liz and that they need to work together to make it happen.

The characters are the same that we’ve grown to know and love through the previous two books, though this book does see them evolving and growing a fair bit due to their unique situation. It was really awesome to be able to see Grinder learn to let go a little bit and let someone else lead, and seeing Nova work through his jealousy issues as they adapt to their new relationship. I found it to be quite refreshing as I read a lot of why choose romance, and of course, generally speaking, the whole dynamic of the actual relationship and partners is not really discussed. There have been some books where it has come up and been discussed, but generally it’s not. So to come across a series where there are growing pains and teething problems as the relationship is first starting and everyone is finding their place in it was fantastic. Working through the time sharing, the jealousy issues, and the need that will arise where the guys do want some one on one time with Liz. I felt that Mor did a fantastic job of showing the realities of a multi partner relationship, I don’t use the term Poly as Liz and the guys relationship is a closed one, so I’ll stick with multi partner. I also love that the situation arose where an outside party realised the relationship had more than two people in it, and they had to deal with that as well. This story really gives a more realistic look into this kind of relationship and I’m super here for it. Yes we read fiction to escape reality, so not everything has to be passable as real, but it is nice to get a dose of realism in the fiction as well. For me it makes the story more believable and actually makes me fall deeper into the story because it DOES feel more real.

The characters aren’t perfect in this series and I’m all for it. I love a flawed character and being able to see the characters work through their issues is always a plus for me. This series has been a page turner for me since book one, so I’m a massive advocate of it. I also loved the new characters that we got to meet. I sincerely hope we see Artemis further on down the line as she is up there as one of my favourites. The scene on the picnic table was fan-freaking-tastic!

I don’t want to say much more because I don’t want to give away too much. All I can say is, if you find yourself wondering whether you want to continue with the series, yes, yes you do. If you haven’t started it yet, what are you doing? Go and find book one! I’m hanging for book four already after the way this one ended!! I feel like there’s going to be gratuitous amounts of satisfaction to come!! Oh! Also, the spice is A+, top notch. So if you needed another reason to convince you, there you have it!! GO READ THE BOOKS!

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