Mark Me by Mila Young.

Mark Me

Mark Me
by Mila Young

Paranormal Romance/Why Choose/Fated Mates

Book #4 of Immortal Vices & Virtues series (Can be read as a standalone)

Published 30th August 2023

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My rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

I received a copy of this book from the author through Books and Bitches Downunder in exchange for an honest review.

Actual rating of 4.75

Billie has trained relentlessly for years, determined to be strong enough to take down the person responsible for taking her family away from her in a traumatic event that still haunts her to this day. She’s been on her own, unable to contact any remaining family due to her mother’s parting words warning her against it. After coming across some information that could possibly lead her to the very person responsible for her misery, Billie heads off to see what else she can uncover. What she doesn’t expect, is to run into the Dukes. The three brother’s who rule over the kingdom she’s attempting to infiltrate. She also doesn’t expect them to be able to affect her the way that they do. They’re determined to prove to her that she is theirs, that they are hers, she’ll fight to prove them wrong, but will she succeed?

Fantasy was the genre that got me back into reading when I was 18, so it will always hold a special place in my heart and be one of my favourite genres. I haven’t read a lot of it in the last 12 months though, I’ve become very selective with it for some reason, so I’m choosing my fantasy reads carefully. When I read the synopsis for this one, I request INSTANTLY. And I mean instantly. I got the email, read the blurb, and had the book on my kindle within 3 minutes. I don’t know what it was about the story that made me need to read it, but man did it deliver.

The story is told through alternating POVs. Mostly Billie’s, but the duke’s also have their own POVs that pop in as well. I liked Billie’s character, she’s someone who went through a super traumatic experience, and while she still hasn’t healed from it, she keeps pushing forward, using it as her drive to get better and be stronger in order to avenge her parent’s death. She was a great character and I thoroughly enjoyed following her story. I really enjoyed the characters of the dukes too. I must admit, I fell in love with Eryx as soon as I met him. His personality and his gentle caring nature and his need to protect was just swoon worthy, and his Griffyn, Echo, my god that mystical bird made me laugh on a couple of occasions. I loved the dynamic between Eryx and his Griffyn counterpart so much, it was a true highlight of the book for me. The other two brothers took a little bit longer to endear themselves to me, but they did do it eventually. Tallis was first. His brooding distrustful demeanour made total sense to me; his back story made me empathise with why he was so distrusting of Billie in the beginning, but when he began to let her in, I fell in love with his teasing and fiery nature. His passion for Billie literally explodes and I was here for it. And can we please take a second to really appreciate his demon form (IYKYK). Khaos is a bit of a different story, while I did come around to him in the end, I just didn’t fall in love with him as much as the others. I did absolutely adore his need to protect Billie, especially in a certain scene with a storm, and I could see that he genuinely cared for her and loved her and just wanted her to be able to see that. But for some reason, I just preferred his brothers to him.

The spice was HOT! And I mean hot (Tallis, I’m looking at you). As this is a standalone instalment that, while part of a series, can be read as a standalone with a story that is completed and a HEA, I was worried that the instalove/lust would be an issue for me, as it’s not my favourite trope. I have to say though, Young does a fantastic job of really making you feel that fated mates vibe, and uses the spice to help develop the character relationships throughout the story. It’s funny because if it’s a fated mate trope, I can handle the instalove, I guess because it’s “meant to be”. I can suspend disbelief and just enjoy that the characters were meant to be together and that it was written in the stars. That their bond transcends normal, logical thinking because fate is just that strong. And Young does this brilliantly. I also loved that Billie didn’t just turn into putty in the dukes’ hands, she fought that fated mates bond with everything that she had because she wasn’t 100% sure on who the dukes really were deep down, and I absolutely LOVED that about her. Also, I just want to point out, there’s a bloody cake recipe at the end of this book! I’ve already saved it and plan to try it out. I loved that little added extra.

The story itself was well written, and while it was more character driven than plot driven, the plot was still solid. I had a bit of a feeling with a certain reveal, but not the way that it came about or the why behind it. This was a solid paranormal, why choose, fated mates romance with a good dose of mystery and vengeance thrown in. The only reason I knocked a little bit of a star off was honestly just for the epilogue. While I liked seeing the “after” the story line part, I feel like it just didn’t do it for me and detracted from the story a teeny bit. That’s just a personal grievance though, it’s nothing against Young’s ability in her craft or anything like that. I almost wish that it wasn’t included or that Billie had have gone a different direction with what happened. It’s nothing super major, but I’m trying to be vague so that I don’t give anything away.

All in all, this was a solid, enjoyable read. It had engaging and four-dimensional characters that really jumped off the page, each with their own trauma and healing to do, and can help each other along the way with. It was honestly a page turner and a fun read with ample spice sure to make your legs weak and your heart beat fast (again, Tallis, I’m looking at you). The characters are fun, and I loved the little doses of humour sprinkled throughout. If you’re looking for a page turning read, with depth and a decent story, give this one a go. And if you’re a cake enthusiast, simply read it just for that!

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